A blog about language and linguistics creativity

Before we start, I would like to wish you an amazing day!

Now let's start, shall we?

If you do an online search about arms crossing, you will find that some say it is a sign of self-blocking, which means a gesture you do to keep people away from you; other sources would tell you that it is a sign of respect.

Also, you will find a lot of nonsense. Believe me.. I've been there before..

In this article, I'll give you real answers to what does crossed arms gesture means, why people cross their arms? and how you can read that gesture and find out exactly how those people are feeling.

Read on if you want to become an expert in understanding and reading that gesture. *wink*

Arms crossed. Let's find out why people cross their arms now.


Why People Cross Their Arms

Two good friends are having a good conversation, they seem to be really engaged in that topic and so interested in discussing it, but they are crossing their arms; and on the other side, two people who merely know each other are having a small conversation while waiting in a line to buy some pizza, but again, they both are crossing their arms.

Does that mean all of them are feeling insecure and not too confident? Not exactly. It massively depends on the relationship between people, the way they cross their arms, and other gestures they do in addition to crossing their arms.

Here are the most common reasons why people fold their arms:

The Self-hug


One reason why we cross our arms is to feel comfortable and secure. For instance, if you are giving a speech and noticed that someone from the audience is crossing their arms, try to ask them if they are feeling comfortable, and the answer is going to be a yes because they are really feeling comfortable.

We do not want to keep people away every time we cross our arms, we just do it sometimes because it gives that that secure, comfortable feeling. Who does not like that?

Stress Relief

Stress relief
Ask any teacher if he ever saw a bunch of students crossing their arms on exam days and they will tell you they did. Is it because those students are stressed? The answer is a clear yes. It is like asking somebody who is tied in an electric-chair and  waiting to get executed if he is afraid or not.

Even though we can clearly see this behavior in the classroom on exam days, we can find it in other places. e.g: a father waiting in the hospital for his newborn baby.

We cross our arms across the torso and massage our arms with our opposite hands to help ourselves calm down and soothe our nerves when we get stressed. That explains why most students do that in the day of the exam, specially while they are waiting for the teacher to hand them the exam paper.

Masking Insecurities

Many people connect arm crossing with the feeling of insecurity, and that is well known all around the world. Politicians and celebrities avoid this gesture so not to look nervous and insecure. Even though it is proven that when a person crosses their arm it does not necessary mean they feel insecure, in many cases, it indeed expresses the feeling of insecurity.

People cross their arms so not to feel exposed to the person or location that they feel insecure around, and that makes them feel secure once again. You can call it an arms shield that we use instead of a metal shield in order to protect ourselves.

Anxiety and Fear

Anxiety & fear
Sometimes it is more than insecurity, it is about something more serious, it is about anxiety and fear. It is hard to distinguish between somebody who is crossing their arms because they feel insecure, and somebody who is crossing their arms cause he is experiencing fear and anxiety.

One way to differentiate between the two is to see if the person is frequently moving his hand up to his neck, touch it for a while, and then move it back down to the torso. If that is the case, there is a high chance that s/he is not just insecure, but afraid and anxious.

If the person is just crossing their arms without touching their neck now and then, it is probably because they feel insecure.

For your information, neck touching indicates tension, anxiety, insecurity, or emotional distress. So seeing that behavior in a person who is crossing their arms is a powerful sign of fear and anxiety.



Sometimes it is not about negative feelings at all. In psychology, it is well known that when you talk with someone who likes you, they will unconsciously mirror your gestures. They will not do everything you do as if they were some kind of crazy robots, but they will still mirror some of your gestures, the way you talk, and sometimes even use the same facial expressions that you use.

The point of all this? the next time you see two comfortable people having a conversation while crossing their arms, it can be just because they are good friends and one of them is probably unconsciously mirroring the other.

Self Restraint or Frustration

We also cross our arms when we feel upset to comfort ourselves. Have you ever seen a children do it? I bet you did. Kids cross their arms when asked not to do something they enjoy doing ( playing ), when asked to do something they do not want to do ( take a shower ), and generally, when they get upset. It is a way to express their frustration without saying a single word.

Not just children, but sometimes adults do that as well. Not quite exactly like children do, but they do it anyways. One thing to know is that even though it is a vivid way to express frustration, it is still considered as a self-restraint behavior and not a blocking behavior.

If you ever annoyed somebody till they got frustrated, then you better apologize to them properly. No idea how to apologize to somebody and make them forgive you?  Visit How to apologize effectively to get 7 effective apology tips.

The Power Pose

The power pose

Also called the bully pose by teachers, is when somebody cross their arms to look bigger and stronger; It communicates that  they are ready for any issue, and that they are capable of handling any threats or problems. Bouncers and security guards do it more often. I have also seen people in the gym who do it while waiting for their mate to finish their workout.

The Insulating Arm Cross

None of the gestures I mentioned above indicates the blocking behavior, but this one does.
Every once in a while we meet somebody that we do not feel comfortable around, and in most cases, we cannot ignore theme because they are friends with somebody we know.

Instead of walking away, you may create a physical and physiological barrier by crossing your arms. Unfortunately, and since most people do not know much about body language, one cannot simply understand that he is not welcomed to your world just by crossing your arms. If you want to make it crystal clear, then use other gestures and facial expressions to express that in addition to crossing your arms.

However, I do not think it is a good idea to avoid somebody just because you feel that you do not like them. That is, in my opinion, wrong in so many levels. Give new people a chance and you may be surprised of how great they are. If you do not want to talk with them at that particular moment because you are not feeling well, then simply excuse and leave instead of blocking them from approaching you.

It's Cold

Did i mention that sometimes the explanation is too easy and does not require a deep body language analysis?

Sometimes we simply cross our arms because it is too cold, and all we want is to warm ourselves a little bit.

Kind Takeaway
There are many reasons that makes people cross their arms; some cross their arms because they feel insecure, and some do it to look cool.


Different Ways of Arm Crossing Indicate Different Meanings

There are different ways of arm crossing, and every single one of us uses whatever suits him or her, or to be more specific, whatever suits the situation is which s/he is confronting.

Here are some common ways people cross their arms, and the meaning of each one of them:

Crossed arms

Crossed Arms

You can see a lot of examples of this by observing people who publicly meet strangers or somebody they barely know, in elevators, and cashier shopping lines.

People tend to cross their arms that way when they negative, insecure, or uncertain of their surroundings. Also, when people feel defensive. In a group of a few guys who barely know each other, Richard is being made fun of among all other guys. Chances are Richard is going to stand there, cross his arms, and probably awkwardly smile before he get to reply.

Crossed Arms With Fists

Crossed arms with fists

This is an even more defensive gesture. It is a strong sign of defensiveness and hostility. That explains why most policemen and security guards opt for this kind arm crossing.

Self-Reassurance Cross

Self-Reassurance Cross
Crossing arms with tightly grabbing biceps is a display of fearful, negative, and insecure attitude. Some good places to view such behaviors are airports (specially first time travelers), defendant at court room, and hospital's waiting rooms. Little children do that when they feel insecure as well.

Arm Crossed With Thumbs

This is a sign of self-confident and superior attitude. A lot of people do that when they feel cool and in control of what happens around them, or when they pose for a picture that they are going to share in a social network to look awesome. It is also a good way to look good while feeling protected.

One Crossed Arm

This is kind of a self-hug that creates a feeling of comfort. Women do that more often than men.

Self  Holding Hands

It resembles insecurity and lack of self-confidence in certain situations, and in some other situations, it means nothing more than protecting their "love-stick". Why do you think soccer players do it while making a barrier in front of a free shot from the opposite team?

Just like the "one crossed arm gesture" is popular among amongst  women, the "self holding hands" is popular amongst men. You can simply say it is more manly gesture to create the same feeling of comfort. Women look cute when they do the one cross arm gesture, but for men, i doubt that.

To see this gesture, watch somebody who is waiting for his turn to give a public speech.

Subtle Arm Crosses

Subtle Arm Crosses
Since we are all humans ( hopefully no alien is reading this post, and if you are an alien please contact me heh ) but in certain situations, it is not good for people to look nervous or insecure. That is the case for most public figures. Since they cannot afford to look unsure about themselves, they usually achieve that feeling of security by crossing their arms in a subtle way.

Other ways to do it are:

  • Adjusting their watch
  • Checking their wallet
  • Scratching their wrists
  • Adjusting their cufflinks 
  • Fiddling with their ring
  • Using their phone or tablet

For women, they have a good advantage over men as they can use their purse or their many jewelries to feel secure.

Kind Takeaway
Based on the way people cross their arms, you could tell what each gesture indicates rather than assuming that arms crossing gesture means only one thing, which is usually negative.

Crossed Arms Could Mean Nothing

No wait a second.. That's not right!

While crossing arms could mean a lot of things that I am going to talk about later in this article, it can still be wrongly understood. How can you accurately guess the meaning of the crossed arms? Read on to know.

Never Assume You Accurately Understood the Signal 

In one hand, There are some gestures that have only one meaning, and not too complicated to understand. As an example, when someone gives you a thumb up, it usually means approval or encouragement.

On the other hand, most signals could never determine how a person is feeling alone. If you see somebody crossing his/her arms, it can be because s/he feels insecure, fear, frustration, anxiety, or simply cold. It can also mean that the person is relieving stress, posing, or mirroring somebody else.

It depends on a variety of factors, and making a guess based on one signal is never a good idea.


Look for Other Signals Along with Crossed Arms

Gestures combination

People can cross their arms for many reasons. Making a guess of how people feel based on the way they cross their arms only could end up with making the wrong assessment.

People cross their arms in different ways, and while some arm crossing gestures can clearly reflect how the person is feeling, others can be a bit complicated and hard to understand what does it exactly means.

The most suitable thing you can do to avoid making the wrong guess about why a person is crossing his/her arms is to look for other signals along with crossed arms. One gesture can help you understand a person's feelings, but a combination of signals will give you a closer idea about how s/he feels. Also, put into consideration the environment in which that event is happening or happened.

When we study nonverbal behavior we have to consider context, the environment, and all the behaviors we see, not just one. That means reading all of the body, from head to toe. 

Said an ex FBI agent in the article 9 truths exposing a myth about body language in the PsychologyToday website.

Does that person is crossing his/her legs as well? Does s/he lean back? Does his/her feet point away from you? Does s/he avoids eye contact with? If that's the case, there is a high chance that s/he is closed for arguments, and do not want to discuss that particular subject anymore; or s/he simply do not want to talk at all.

If a person is crossing his/her arms because s/he feels insecure, s/he will probably show other signs such as stammering, avoiding eye contact, sweating, or blushing.

The list goes on..

Kind Takeaway
Never assume something based on one signal only. Look for other signals along with the main one to form a clearer idea about the person you're observing

2 Popular Signals Combinations That Include Arms Crossing

It is more easy to guess what a person is expressing through his/her body language when focusing on a combination of signals instead of focusing on one gesture only. There are some cases when crossing arms, along with other signals, indicates particular feelings. Here are two examples:

When Crossed Arms Mean the other Person is Closed for Arguments

To have an idea about if the other person no longer wants to talk, look for other signals along with arm crossing. Here is a list of some of those signals:

  • Crossing of legs
  • Leaning back
  • Feet pointing away from you
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Shaking the head, saying no
  • etc..
If 2 or more of those gestures showed up, plus the arms crossing gesture, then you can assume that s/he is closed for arguments.

When Crossed Arms Indicate Insecurities

To see if a person is feeling insecure, look for the following signals:

  • In a vulnerable position (e.g. doing a speech)
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Sweating
  • Stammering
  • Blushing
  • etc..
If the person who is crossing his/her arms shows one or more of those signals, you can assume that s/he is feeling insecure.

Crossing your Arms Helps you Deal with Difficult Tasks

It is well known that crossing your arms could be a sign of blocking other people from approaching you, but would you believe that it is actually helpful when it comes to dealing with difficult tasks?

Actually, if you are dealing with a hard task, or you are brainstorming and trying to come out with some new ideas, crossing your arms will help you. How? The secret is, by crossing both of your arms, you will be using both of your brain hemispheres, the left side that deals with logic, facts, and science, and the right side that deals with creativity and art.

Research shows you’re 30 percent more likely to stay on a difficult task with crossed arms, so during brainstorming, it’s actually a good idea to cross arms

Said Janine Driver, the president of The Body Language Institute, in a video that was published on Today's website in the article Are crossed arms okay?

Kind Takeaway
When dealing with a difficult task, cross your arms while thinking to help yourself complete the task

As you have seen above, arms crossing could indicates a variety of things, and many people misread that gesture and simply think it is a self-block sign or a proof of lack of self-confidence. Luckily, you are now aware of some valuable information and you, unlike the majority of people, can understand each arms crossing gesture.

Please feel free to bookmark this article or save it for later use if you feel that you are going to need it later. I write long, in depth articles because I want them to be a good source that you can use now, later, and whenever you need it.

If you want more information about the arms crossing topic, you want to know why a certain person crosses their arms based on the context, or you are somehow confused feel free to get in touch with me .

The Kind Word blog's main goal is to help you be a better speaker, listener, and an expert in the communication discipline. Communication is the most important skill in the world, and people who know how to speak tend to have more power and authority than those who do not. If you are interested, here is how you can start your journey of becoming a professional speaker: Let's become better speakers together!

The Next Step..

The next thing I want you to do now is to comment if you have any extra information about the topic, or if you have questions that you want to ask. I will be more than happy to listen to your ideas!

A blog about language and linguistics creativity
How to apologize using the right apology phrases and words

Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right; it just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.

any people do not apologize. They wait for the other person to do so.
Do you think people should apologize more often or not?

Whether you did something bad, and want to learn how to apologize about it, or you want to be ready to apologize when time comes, I will make sure you find great content here that will serve your purpose.

You will find great tips on how to apologize, and a proven, effective language to use in your apology.

Considering the formality/informality of language

The first, and one of the most important things to consider before  apologizing is the level of formality that should be used in the apology. Apologizing to a bestfriend is never like apologizing to an employer, or a stranger.

Apologizing Informally

First of all, I would like to state that an apology remains a genuine expression of regret whether it was done using formal language, or informal language. There should not be signs and expressions of disrespect just because one is apologizing to a bestfriend. We are all humans after all.

One chooses to informally apologize because he usually knows the addressee, the person whom the latter is going to apologize to, well enough to break through formalities. A simple sentence like:

Hey. I'm sorry

will do if it was not a big deal.

Apologizing formally

People tend to use formal language to apologize when they do not know the other person well, or when the addressee is above the addresser, the one who wants to apologize, in the hierarchical level they both belong to.
e.g: an employee apologizing to his boss in an office.

Tip #1
Put the person whom you're going to apologize to, and the location in which you're going to apologize into consideration to help you decide whether to apologize formally, or by using non-formal language.


Choosing the right channel of communication to apologize

It is the 21's century, and we have more communication channels than ever. Each communication channel has its pros and cons.

When it comes to apologizing, choosing the right channel to use is crucial to determine if your apology will sound honest and expressing regret, or will be emotionless and cold.

A Spoken apology

Face-to-face apology is considered as the best way to apologize, whether by using formal language, or informal language. By choosing to do that, the person shows to the one whom he is apologizing to that he cares about their relationship, and his/her importance in that person's life. Everybody can send an apology text, but not everyone can apologize in person.

The pros of apologizing in person are: Having the option to express regret through body language, having the ability to shake hands, touch, or hug the other person, having the advantage of looking the other person in the eyes ( you know what they say, eyes say what words can never express ), and getting instant feedback, which is significant to form an idea about whether the apology was accepted or not.

Phone apology. The second best option to opt for, if apologizing in person is impossible, is to call. I'm emphasizing the verb to call because many people will confuse it with sending an audio message. There is a big difference between the two, and I will tell you why.

By speaking with the other person through the phone, you will still get the feedback, and listen to what s/he has to say about the situation. Unlike sending an audio message, cause you may never get feedback if the other person is still upset, and chose not to reply.

The pros of apologizing via the phone are pretty much like the pros of apologizing in person, except you cannot see the other person, or physically interact with them; but you can still, certainly, form an idea about whether things are getting better between the two of you by listening to what s/he says ( the words used ), and how s/he says it ( the tone of the voice ).

There are 2 cons of spoken apology in my opinion.

First, it is hard and requires great courage. Second, the other person may interrupt your apology if s/he got upset, and that could leave you with nothing to say, so the conversation will become awkward between the two of you. However, I still highly encourage you to opt for a spoken apology because even if this happened, which is unlikely to happen in most cases, you will at least know how the other person feels about what you have done wrong.

A Written Apology

Sending an apology letter, e-mail, or text message is obvious not as great as apologizing in person or via the phone. But it is still an acceptable way to apologize, specially if you cannot meet or reach the phone of the person you are trying to apologize to.

The disadvantages of a written apology is that you may not get a reply, so you can't even know how the s/he is feeling about it; and the advantage of this is that you get the chance to deeply think about what you are going to say, use those emoticons ( who would refuse a bunch of cute little yellow emojis? ), and make the right choice of words, which takes us to the next point.

Tip #2
You can choose whether it is suitable to apologize in person, by calling, or by sending a text. It is up to you to decide. Always remember, apologizing in person is the best way to apologize if it is possible for you to do it.

Apology quote 2

Choosing the right words

Based on what words you chose to apologize, you can either make a great apology, or make things worst. How to opt for the right words to use in an apology?

Knowing apology words and phrases. A person cannot apologize without knowing what to say, and what words and phrase are used to apologize in his/her language. Fortunately, English includes many words and phrase that people can use to apologize. Here is a list of 10 apology phrases for you:

  • I am sorry for/that...
  • Please accept my apologies for...
  • I am afraid that/I... 
  • Sometimes people make mistakes, and today I want to...
  • Sorry for being... 
  • I never intended to... 
  • I am not perfect. I do many mistakes, and I honestly want to...
  • Unfortunately...
  • I would like to apologies...
  • I do/must/sincerely apologize for...
If you want more, here is an  article that was published in the DC IELTS website that includes more phrases. There is even a quiz to test your abilities to use those phrases. For fun, here is another article that includes a list of 50 apology text messages that are designed for romantic relationships, but i guarantee you not all of them are romantic, and you can make use of some of them.

Knowing the appropriate apology words and phrases to use

Knowing when to use certain words and phrases instead of others is as important as knowing apology words and phrases in your language. Since there are many situations that require an apology, each situation requires the usage of certain apology words and phrases.

If you want to express regret, a simple sentence like
I am sorry about my attitude last night. I should not have done that. I am so sorry about it
 will be good for that situation.

Requesting forgiveness requires a different apology where you actually ask the person to forgive you, and force them to reply to you.
I am sorry about my attitude last night. I should not have done that. Will you please forgive me?
will fit the situation.

If you did something wrong, and you are ready to take full responsibility for it, then you should state that in your apology. Something such as
I am sorry about my attitude last night. I know what I did was wrong, and I certainly should not have done that
 is appropriate in this case.

I can't believe I reacted that way yesterday. Please tell me what I can do to make it up to you
is great when it comes to making restitution.

Sometimes we do something after we lose our temper, or when we get stressed, that is not acceptable; and we feel that don't want to repeat that ever again. How to apologize in that particular situation? Simply by expressing the desire to change the behavior. Here is an example:
I am sorry about my attitude last night. Can you think of something that could help make sure this does not happen again? I do not want to repeat that again

To know more about those apologies, please visit Power to Change website, and read Anrea Shair article:  5 Apologies That Always Work.

Tip #3
Choose words to use in your apology wisely. A good way to know which words to use is to put yourself in the other person's situation, and see what words would you like to hear, and what you would not like to hear.

Apology quote 3

Effective Words: A word to use and a word not to use

While apologizing, a single word could flip the whole situation. There are two significant words that could either make your apology sound better, or terrible.

Using "I"

While apologizing, one must accept responsibility for what s/he have done, and the best way to do that is using "I" statements.

I am sorry I hurt your feelings
Is x10 times better than
I am sorry YOUR feelings were hurt
The first one shows acceptance of responsibility and expresses regret, while the second one pushes responsibility for the offense off on to the other person.

Using the "but"

It is hard to understand an apology that includes a "but". It shifts focus from expressing regret and acknowledging responsibility -- to justifying yourself.

I am sorry I hurt your feelings. I was tired, and I said something I regret
is x10 times better than saying
I am sorry, but I was just tired

It's true that words have power. A Single word can affect the whole situation.

Tip #4
Use "I" more frequently, and avoid "but" in your apology

Apology quote

Speak about the future

Usually, we apologize after doing/saying something wrong. Apologizing then repeating the same mistake again will not probably be a smart move, thus, you need to promise the other person, and yourself, that it will not happen again.

After making such a promise, try to stick to your words. Respect the promise you made.

Tip #5
Promise that It won't happen again, and stick to your words.


Control the sound

From the sounds that surround you, to the sound you produce on your own, controlling those sounds and making them suitable for an apology is a must to deliver an effective apology.


While planning to apologize to someone, make sure you include the apology location as well. That is to say, you try to apologize in a quiet place where both of you can speak freely, and hear each other clearly.

Focus on your voice

Pay attention to your tone and volume. Make sure to speak loud enough so the other person can hear you ( not so loud as if you were shouting ), and speak in an apologetic tone to make it obvious that you are apologizing and expressing regret.

Tip #6
Choose a quite location to apologize, and try your best to deliver a calm, genuine apology.


Using non-verbal communication to make your apology crystal clear

Body Language. Since you will be the one who starts the conversation, use open humble body language to help express your apology.

To make it simple, I created a simple list of Dos and Don'ts for you.

  • Make eye contact
  • Use open palms to gesture
  • Keep your face relaxed
  • Keep your head kind of low

  • Avoid eye contact
  • Force a smile
  • Use closed palms to gesture
  • Cross your arms


Use touch to convey emotions that you can't convey using words. If it is appropriate, a hug or a gentle touch on the arm or hand will be meaningful.

Listen carefully

After apologizing, it is time for you to listen and pay attention to what the other person wants to say. In most cases, s/he will want to express their feelings to you as well. Give them the chance to do that by being a good listener. S/he may still be upset, but you have to do your best to remain open and calm.

Tip #7
Hold eye contact, relax, and use your body to express regret; touch the other person when it is appropriate, and listen carefully to what s/he says.

I have tried to share everything I learned about  the language used in apology in order to make it effective. Apologizing is not easy for most people to do, but it is certainly a genuine behavior. Always remember that you do not have to be wrong to apologize, you are just apologizing because you are an amazing person, and you value your relationships with people.

If you want to apologize from someone, whether by apologizing in person, making a phone call; sending a text message, an e-mail, or a letter, I can help you do that. Please feel free to consult me by clicking here.

The Kind Word blog's main goal is to help you be a better speaker. Communication is the most important skill in the world, and people who know how to speak tend to have more power and authority than those who do not. If you are interested, here is how you can start your journey of becoming a professional speaker: Let's become better speakers together!
